Pam Palmer House Residential Aged Care Refurbishment

Peninsula Villages

The creation of a wellness centre and club at the centre of the Peninsula Villages community. We established a masterplan for ongoing development guided by Dementia Training Australia design principles for supporting people living with dementia and other frailties.

We relocated a staff area, expanded the communal areas, increased the number of bedrooms, created an accessible teahouse surrounded by fish ponds and active outdoor space, and established a wellness centre that repurposed a therapeutic pool to become more connected, usable and enjoyable. A refurbished entry and club spaces supported better orientation, access and usability

...the team provided excellent professional services to the Village. This required great time management and a true understanding of residents’ lifestyle and activities ... which resulted in a beautiful, functional and well utilised community hub. Executive, Board and importantly residents all agreed the finished project exceeded everyone’s expectations..
— Shane Neaves, then CEO Peninsula Villages